Thursday, February 23, 2006


The Law versus Grace Musical

Now for something a little different. In the car, I have been listening to musical Les Miserables by Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg and based on the novel by Victor Hugo. Many sections seem to correspond to my previous posts. Therefore, I will share a few lines of the musical in the following days. Keep in mind that Jean Valjean is the criminal (and 'good' guy of the plot) and Javert is the policeman (and 'bad' guy).

Now bring my prisoner 24601
Your time is up
And your parole's begun
You know what that means.

Yes, it means I'm free

No! It means you get
Your yellow ticket-of-leave
You are a thief.

I stole a loaf of bread.

You robbed a house.

I broke a window pane.
My sister's child was close to death
And we were starving.

You will starve again
Unless you learn the meaning of the law.

I know the meaning of those 19 years
A slave of the law.

Five years for what you did
The rest because you tried to run
Yes, 24601

I guess you could also use Les Mis to illustrate the Wisdome vs. Folly duo in Proverbs. "Lovely Ladies" vs. Cosette. Just a thought.
oops, Wisdom not Wisdome
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