Wednesday, May 18, 2011
New Covenant Recap
The other day I was thinking how the progression of my study on the New Covenant has followed orderly. After looking at the breakdown of the New Covenant and the changes that came with it, I now plan to look at living under the New Covenant and then the implications the New Covenant has on end times (eschatology).
I. Breakdown
A. I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel
B. I will put my law within them
C. I will be their God, and they shall be my people
D. I will forgive their iniquity
E. I will remember their sin no more
II. Changes
A. New Maturity
B. New Land Focus
C. New Mission
D. New Temple
E. New High Priest
F. New Sacrifice
i. Passover Lamb
ii. Day of Atonement
iii. Regular Sacrifices
iv. Inaugural Sacrifice
III. Implications
A. Living under the New Covenant
B. Eschatology from the New Covenant
I. Breakdown
A. I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel
B. I will put my law within them
C. I will be their God, and they shall be my people
D. I will forgive their iniquity
E. I will remember their sin no more
II. Changes
A. New Maturity
B. New Land Focus
C. New Mission
D. New Temple
E. New High Priest
F. New Sacrifice
i. Passover Lamb
ii. Day of Atonement
iii. Regular Sacrifices
iv. Inaugural Sacrifice
III. Implications
A. Living under the New Covenant
B. Eschatology from the New Covenant